So here are a few good
alternative ingested herbal pain killers
used for centuries–still NOT government regulated, at least at this
writing–that will work for you in an emergency, or which also might work
for you instead of expensive GMO prescription drugs you might now be
using, and without the addictive or withdrawal characteristics of
refined opiates.
1. Wild Opium Lettuce (Lactuca Serriola)
WOL is found almost anywhere and in many parts of the U.S. and it is,
ironically, considered to be an invasive weed. The milky latex sap in
the leaves contains the pain killer and looks similar to the sap of the
opium poppy, hence the name.
Usually the O-lettuce sap is scored/scraped/squeezed from the leaves
and stalks and ingested orally or mixed with juice, or made into a tea.
Or even smoked for maximum fast effectiveness. The effect is a whole
body numbing that relieves muscle and joint and inflammation aches and
pains. O-Lettuce also works for bad coughing and helps to induce sleep.
It is known as a safe, effective pain reliever without side effects or
addictive properties.
2.Kava Kava (Piper Methysticum)
A healthful tonic/drink made from kava briefly made it into
commercial popularity a few years ago and then quickly faded away. This
was because it was so good that Big Bad Pharma couldn’t stand the
competition and launched a back door bad mouth study campaign falsely
claiming that it was a dangerous substance and caused all the bad side
effects that only their FDA sanctioned pharmaceuticals are ‘allowed’ to
In fact, Kava Kava is a popular medicinal plant indigenous to
locations like Hawaii and Fiji with a well documented track record for
relieving stress and particularly soothing for headaches and tension
related body and muscle anxiety such as Fibromyalgia with overall
systemic pain reduction.
The University of Minnesota found that Kava contains special
ingredients like Nuciferine which is an anti-spasmotic helpful for
preventing epileptic episodes and other brain disorders. Additionally
this plant is being studied for its potential to reduce the formation
and spread of nascent cancer cells.
3. Blue Lotus (Nymphaea Caerucea)
This plant provides a bounty of beneficial pain mitigating attributes
besides its overwhelming natural beauty. Its main pain reduction
properties are used for migraines, severe muscle spasms, Tinnitus, and
also works well for systemic pains like menstrual cramps and various
moderate body aches and tension.
It is not a true Lotus because there are no ‘blue’ members of the
lotus family. It is actually a water lily found mostly in ponds. It’s
potency is increased when combined with an alcoholic beverage and its
muscle relaxation and feeling of well being and euphoric properties are
enhanced to a point where some cultures have used this combination as an
4. Kratum (Mitragyna Specios)
A native tree of Thailand, but can be grown in warmer climates like
California or indoors. Kratum, particularly the Red Vein Kratum variety
is often used for severe pain from traumatic injuries like broken bones
or torn muscles. It is compared to Oxycodone in its potency but without
the addiction problems and side effects.
Red vein kratum is so ‘threatening’ to Big Pharma that they felt the
tyrannical need to do something about it–even though it is not a
narcotic or controlled substance–so they had their vitamin Police, the
FDA, launch a raid on a Kratum importer in California to seize many
thousands of pounds from their warehouse in 2014. The authorities got
them on violating a ‘regulated prohibition’ on selling any substance as a
medical treatment without a proper license or other special approval by
the FDA. Similar to what they did with unlicensed Naturopathic
practitioners, or herbologists who prescribe certain vitamins or natural
compounds for their customers.
You cannot directly prescribe anything to anyone, and then sell them
the actual product, if you are not licensed as a doctor or other
specifically licensed or certified professional. If you are a
vitamin/health store you can only inform people –as we are doing here–as
to what you sell is used for, but you can’t specifically and
intentionally prescribe it. This heinous crime is called ‘practicing
medicine without a license’. It’s a grey area and usually only enforced
if somebody complains formally. You are only allowed to ‘practice
medicine’ on yourself if the substance is not illegal.
Kratum is not (yet) illegal and you can still find it at certain
health food stores specializing in organic herbs or online but it might
be selling under a different name so you have to research it. Some so
called head shops also sell it as a form of incense or aeromatic therapy
to avoid unwanted scrutiny.
5. Boswellia and Rhus Toxicodendron
Boswellia is an herb widely used in Ayurvedic medicine in India to
treat both forms of serious Arthritis and Rhus Toxicodendron is a
homeopathic remedy derived from poison oak specifically used for
Arthritis conditions that include early morning flare ups but improves
with motion. Taken in complimentary dosage their synergistic effects are
claimed to be highly effective.
6. White Willow Bark (Salix Alba, S.Fragilis, or S.Purpurea)
The bark from these willow trees contains the compound Salicin and is
a well known general anti-inflamatory remedy much like common Aspirin.
Maybe because it is where commercial Aspirin comes from, of course not
without typical Big Pharma modifications.
People have been chewing on or making tea concoctions from willow
bark for centuries. It does have blood thinning properties like over the
counter Aspirin so one must know that if they are on prescription blood
thinning medications.
As with any substance taken internally, there is always a potential
for serious abuse. And if you are on other medications for your pain
problems, of course you must always check with your doctor before taking
any other medications. You know, like if you have
high blood pressure or a heart condition
and want to take vitamins like lecithin, potent omega 3s and other such
alternatives to the Warfarin rat poisons they are currently killing you
with because then your blood might thin out too much? Well, really?
Makes one kind of compelled to ask the insolent question as to why,
then, don’t they just use the natural remedies in the first place? One
doctor told somebody I know that it’s because…’these natural substances
are not yet vetted and approved by the FDA/AMA for their safety and
effectiveness.’ And, of course, they never will be approved. Especially
if they are too common and widespread for Big Pharma and the government
to sequester so they can’t be profitable just by changing a molecule and
getting a patent on it.
So as with anything else you consume, do your own diligence and
research before using any alternative substances. Specifically
concerning proper dosages and contraindications. There’s plenty of info
on the above out there for you to arrive to your own conclusions by
being well informed on the details you need to know beforehand.
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